The Kapre ARKives

ARKive entry 01:

We have encountered a forest deity originating from Filipino Folklore; the Kapre is known to live in the trees, smoke their cigars, and playfully disorient travelers. They're a whimsical woodsman guide that may initially seem intimidating.

If one overcomes the hallucinatory trip from the Kapre's hazy smoke, it is a rite of passage for those traveling through their domain.

As a forest protector, the Kapre bestows the Carryall Quiver to those who successfully navigate the woods and prove themselves as stewards of the land. Upon proving one's good-natured character, they befriend a lifelong guide in the Kapre.

ARKive entry 02:

We discovered via meditation we could hear and listen to the Kapre hiding within the dense forest canopies. Communication enabled us to befriend them and successfully navigate through their hallucinatory Cigar Smoke—a dense haze whisking one’s mind into limbo.

We advise travelers to tread lightly through the Kapre’s domain: remain calm, ground oneself, and listen for the Kapre’s call. They will guide you. And if they like you, they might even gift you with one of their highly coveted carryall bags.

ARKive entry 03:

After overcoming the Kapre's hallucinatory trip from their hazy smoke, the User is rewarded with a Carryall Quiver. Inspired by the Kapre's treetop domain, the Carryall features details that reference their tree-bound environment: a vine-like cinch closure at the top, a daisy chain rooted along its length, and padded protection akin to a leafy nest.

Carry high-value cargo and other Key Items for the journey ahead.